100th Security Forces Partners

Ministry of Defense Police Constable John Kelly, authorized firearms officer and MDP Sergeant Daniel Sparks, senior police officer, prepare for patrol at Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England, Oct. 18, 2022. The MDP is a civilian police force with over 50 years of active operations that works closely with U.S. visiting forces to safeguard assets, personnel and operations. (U.S. Air photo by Airman 1st Class Alvaro Villagomez)

The Ministry of Defence Police is a civilian police force with over 50 years of operation, that works closely with U.S. bases in safeguarding assets, personnel and operations around the U.K.

MDP’s main role is to uphold local jurisdiction while engaging with the local community and working side-by-side with the 100th Security Forces Squadron at Royal Air Force Mildenhall to maintain installation security and deter potential threats to the base.

“We work together with regards to covering terrorist threats towards the base,” said Police Constable John Kelly, authorized firearms officer. “You’ve got Security Forces who predominantly works on the inside, almost exclusively, and we’re on the outside of the wire, engaging with the local community to stop the threat from ever reaching base.”

MDP officers work around the clock patrolling the outside domain covering all areas within the tri-base area. The MDP station is composed of 11 officers who work in 12-hour shifts to accommodate the 24-hour schedule they must be on duty. MDP officers serve in different roles within the community.

“Our officers are also here to provide information to the community, whether it be military members arriving on station or local community members looking for guidance,” said Daniel Sparks, senior police officer and temporary police sergeant. “There is no reason to be frightened of us, we’re in no way out to get anyone. We’re trying to spread awareness that we’re here in Mildenhall and ready to help with any questions members might have.”

Not only do they enforce the law, they also hold weekly newcomers briefings where they offer advice and guidance on the rules and laws of the U.K.

“We have dedicated units who go out into the British public as well as run campaigns, provide training, and raise awareness of the repercussions of drink driving,” said Kelly. “We’re looking to bring the same type of training to U.S. bases by working with the commander and educating military members on viable information.”

The MDP Police is currently invested in educating service members and spreading awareness of the resources they offer to the community. Creating a relationship within the community and keeping the public safe is the top priority for the MDP.

“I think the biggest point from us is that we’re all about education and trying to help people,” said Kelly. “We know that it’s difficult trying to live and work in a different country with diverse rules of which some not everyone may understand. We want people to enjoy their time here in the U.K. and ensure members are aware that we’re here to help.”


By Airman 1st Class Alvaro Villagomez

100th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

Ministry of Defense Police Constable John Kelly, authorized firearms officer and MDP Sergeant Daniel Sparks, senior police officer, prepare for patrol at Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England, Oct. 18, 2022. The MDP is a civilian police force with over 50 years of active operations that works closely with U.S. visiting forces to safeguard assets, personnel and operations. (U.S. Air photo by Airman 1st Class Alvaro Villagomez)
The Ministry of Defense's primary responsibilities are to provide armed security and counter terrorism services to designated high-risk areas, as well as uniformed policing and limited investigative services to MDP property, personnel, and installations throughout the United Kingdom. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Alvaro Villagomez)
Ministry of Defense Police help safeguard assets, personnel and operations, and are ready to deploy and carry out armed duties and patrols at a moment’s notice at Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England, Oct. 18, 2022. The Land Rover Discovery Sport is issued to the MDP. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Alvaro Villagomez)
The Ministry of Defense Police station is the workplace of MDP at Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England, Oct. 18, 2022. MDP officers protect and safeguard assets, personnel and operations, and are always ready to respond and carry out static armed duties and patrols while working with other policing and security partners in and around the installation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Alvaro Villagomez)
About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD