Volk Field, Wisc. — 37 members of the 132d Wing Security Forces Squadron traveled to the neighboring state to complete their annual training days on June 4-16.
The defenders participated in Air Base Ground Defense training, which included courses on reconnaissance and combat patrols, assaults, recapture and recovery of an air base, and concluded in a Field Training Exercise that encompassed the first three days of training.
“All of these courses were built into a Field Training Exercise to tie the trainings together,” said Technical Sgt. Shawn Scheuermann, Unit Training Manager for the 132d Wing Security Forces Squadron.
Scheuermann, who worked on scheduling, lesson plans, and instructor evaluations, said that the group has traveled to Volk Field many times in the past. However, this year was focused more on the hands on and outdoor training and less time in the classroom.
“What everybody really liked was a lot of the field training,” said Scheuermann. “Our field training exercise, patrols, stuff we can’t do at home station.”
This year was also the first time that the defenders were able to go to Hardwood Range and shoot full distances. During the second week of training, the airmen spent a day at the air-to-ground range. They honed their skills on the M240 and M249 machine guns, M203 grenade launchers and stun grenades.
“Something new that we’ve never done,” said Scheuermann. “Being able to utilize a bombing range where we can shoot out at 800 to 1000 meters.”
In addition, some airmen also earned certification for OC pepper spray and stun grenades, which are both less-than-lethal training tools that can be used in domestic operations. Other trainings included close quarter combat, building searches, hiking and range card training to learn sectors of fire. The last few days also included some classroom time, weapons cleaning and getting qualified on the M18 Pistols and M870 Shotguns at the ranges on base.
Scheuermann said that there were many noncommissioned officers that stepped up and took responsibility when tasked with instructing courses, challenging them to learn more.
One of the most valuable aspects of completing this annual training away from home station allowed for more in depth training time and team building opportunities.
“You do everything together, and it builds more camaraderie,” said Scheuermann. “That’s one of our biggest things we look forward to.”
- Published
- By Senior Airman Victoria Hanson
- 132d Wing Public Affairs