2nd Security Forces Squadron First Sergeant Receives First Sergeant of the Year

3/4/2015 – BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La. –  — Members of 2nd Bomb Wing gathered to celebrate its cream of the crop at an annual awards ceremony at Sam’s Town Hotel and Casino, Friday, Feb. 27.

More than 300 people were in attendance, including 42 nominees. Nominees and their guests attended a private ceremony earlier in the evening where they were presented with medallions.

“You are all winners here tonight because you continue to take the legacy of those who have gone before you and you carry it forward,” said retired Maj. Gen. James W. Graves, former commander of Barksdale’s 917th Wing and the evening’s guest speaker.

“You make our United States Air Force the pride of our nation and the envy of the world every day, in every way and in everything you do. Congratulations to each and every one of you.”

The following individuals were named 2014 annual award recipients:

Airman of the Year – Senior Airman Sheri Lee Calzone, 2nd Medical Support Squadron
Noncommissioned Officer of the Year – Tech. Sgt. Michael Truitt, 2nd Maintenance Group
Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year – Master Sgt. Bruce Billmyre, 2nd Comptroller Squadron
Company Grade Officer of the Year – Capt. Joseph Regan, 2nd Comptroller Squadron
Field Grade Officer of the Year – Maj. Ryan LeBlanc, 2nd Civil Engineering Squadron
Category I up to GS 8 – Ms. Amy Knight, 2nd Medical Group
Category II GS 9 and above – Ms. Rebecca Harris, 2nd Medical Group
Category III NAF 3 and above – Mrs. Corinna Bridges, 2nd Force Support Squadron
Category IV NAF 2 and below – Mrs. Karin Blackburn, 2nd Force Support Squadron
Volunteer of the Year – Mrs. Jennifer Osgood, 2nd Medical Operations Squadron
Key Spouse of the Year – Mrs. Samantha Nawrocki, 2nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Honor Guard Member of the Year – Airman 1st Class James Scott, 2nd Civil Engineer Squadron
Honor Guard Program Manager of the Year – Tech. Sgt. Aaron Porter, 2nd Force Support Squadron
First Sergeant of the Year – Senior Master Sgt. Latoya Edwards-Morgan, 2nd Security Forces Squadron

“All of you, nominees and winners both, now have a huge responsibility,” said Col. Leland Bohannon, 2nd Bomb Wing vice commander. “You now have to turn around and invest the things you’ve learned, the things you’ve done and the skills you have into the next generation. When we take that upon ourselves, our bomb wing, our Air Force, will live up to its motto; we will be second to none.”

The winners will go on to compete at the major command level against other wings across Air Force Global Strike Command.

by Senior Airman Joseph Raatz
2nd Bomb Wing Public Affairs

About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD