341st Security Forces Group

The mission of the 341st Security Forces Group is to ensure the most stringent security forces’ support to the largest intercontinental ballistic missile complex in the world through effective management of all war-fighting and peacetime security taskings assigned to the 341st Missile Wing.

341st Missile Security Forces Squadron
The 341st Missile Security Forces Squadron ensures robust strategic nuclear deterrence as the largest security forces unit in the 341st Security Forces Group. It maintains security forces on 24-hour alert throughout a 13,800-square mile missile complex. It supports the United States Strategic Command’s war-fighting requirements by providing security for 15 missile alert facilities commanding 150 intercontinental ballistic missiles constantly ready to launch against targets directed by the President.

741st Missile Security Forces Squadron
The 741st Missile Security Forces Squadron organizes, trains, and equips combat ready personnel for mobile fire teams, maintenance security escort teams, camper alert teams and convoy response force members to provide 24-hour iron-clad security coverage. This diversified squadron secures 150 intercontinental ballistic missiles deployed throughout a 13,800-square mile missile complex. This unit provides the highest degree of force protection for ICBM’s during on- and off-base convoy movements and during support of ICBM maintenance and supports national strategic deterrence policy directed by Unites States Strategic Command through Air Force Global Strike Command’s ICBM combat arm.

341st Security Forces Squadron
The 341st Security Forces Squadron provides law enforcement services to the main base complex, ensuring Team Malmstrom remains a safe and law-abiding community for a base population of more than 10,000. They provide gate security, base mobile patrols, security for Protection Level 1 resources in the Weapons Storage Area, and military working dog teams providing explosive and narcotic detection. They provide information, personnel, and industrial security administration. They operate the pass and registration office, visitors center and run Montana’s first enhanced 911 center, which streamlines community 911 needs. They also operate a confinement facility supporting four Air Force bases.

341st Security Support Squadron
The 341st Security Support Squadron provides more than 1,200 security forces personnel with training, equipment and support to foster the most advanced war-fighting and combat-ready force in the Air Force Global Strike Command. It ensures forces are given the tools to support a base population of more than 10,000 and the largest ICBM complex in the world by training wing personnel in weapons qualifications and keys and codes for missile complex operations. It also trains, equips and mobilizes all 341st Security Forces Group personnel in support all Air Force domestic and aerospace expeditionary force missions.

About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD