377th SFS Military Working Dog retirement (preview)

Security Forces

KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. — Members of Team Kirtland gathered at the Mountain View Club on Kirtland Air Force Base to celebrate the retirement of two Military Working Dogs (MWDs), Mex and Saxo, on Monday, March 2, 2020.

Mex, a nine-year old Belgian Malinois, served as an Explosives Patrol MWD and was assigned to six different handlers throughout his career. Mex recently finished cancer treatment and now that he is cancer free, is headed home to Dover AFB with one of his former handlers, U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Edwin Argueta-Hernandez

“I was a new handler when I got him, so he taught me a lot,” Argueta-Hernandez said. “When you’re working the road together on 12-hour shifts, you do build that bond.  Sometimes you think handlers are just saying that, but it’s 100% true.”

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About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD