52nd Security Forces Captain recognized as the Air Force Security Forces Command Company Grade Officer for 2020

Security Forces

SPANGDAHLEM AIR BASE, Germany — No one can deny 2020 provided its unique set of challenges, but one saber in particular stood out among her peers.

On Jan. 6, Capt. Raven Jackson, 52nd Security Forces Squadron operations officer, was announced as the Air Force Security Forces Company Grade Officer for 2020.

“Captain Jackson leads and manages the unit’s largest and arguably most important section,” said Lt. Col. Benjamin Washburn, 52nd Security Forces Squadron commander. “She has roughly 200 Defenders spread across 5 flights and 2 sections responsible for the physical execution of our base’s defenses.”

According to the award nomination, Jackson ran point on a fatal off-base crash site, built new Security Forces Deployment Training and implemented speed mitigation measures that reduced traffic accidents on Spangdahlem Air Base by 20 percent.

“She is the epitome of 360-degree leadership,” Washburn said. “She seeks input from her experienced senior NCOs, has a great peer network – she was a former CGOC [Company Grade Officer Council] president – and I frequently witness numerous young Airmen seeking mentorship and advice in her office.”

During the year, Jackson was also heavily involved in outside activities, including president of the Company Grade Officer Council, developing Airmen of all levels in Spangdahlem’s Flight Commanders Course, and was heavily involved in the Racial Disparity Tiger Team.

“Throughout 2020, Captain Jackson has impacted and inspired me to become a better person and NCO in many ways, but there are few situations that stuck out to me.” said Staff Sgt. Briana Aston, 52nd Security Forces Squadron operations support NCO, someone who has worked with Capt Jackson for over a year. “Captain Jackson is one of the most selfless people I know and has always been there for the troops. She is a true inspiration of how a leader should be. I cannot think of a more deserving CGO for this accomplishment.”

One of those situations incudes the increased tension during the 2020 protests.

“She led an open dialogue earlier in the year when the protests began and tension rose in the United States.” Aston said. “She gave her insight on each side of the situation which helped others open up about what they felt and after the discussion, it helped many in our unit see things in a different light and be more understanding and appreciative of each other.”

Jackson said despite all her accomplishments, it wasn’t possible without her team.

“Although Saber Nation has collectively endured the shared challenges throughout the past year, the success of this award was prompted due to the unique nature and calling of Defenders,” said Jackson, who has been stationed at Spangdahlem AB since 2018. “The nature of our mission calls for us to be our strongest even when our community is at its weakest. This past year has pushed us to confront the true meaning of wingmanship, resiliency and service before self like never before.”

Washburn said Jackson has continued to be well-respected and an inspiration to her peers and supervisors.

“She can be tough but her default leadership demeanor is warm and welcoming,” Washburn said. “It fosters an admiration and well-earned respect from subordinates, peers and supervisors alike. She is fiercely loyal to me, to her folks, and to our mission, and I have very high hopes for her future.”

By 1st Lt. Megan Morrissey, 52nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs / Published January 22, 2021

Security Forces
U.S. Air Force Capt. Raven Jackson is joined by two members of her team, Staff Sgt. Briana Aston and Senior Master Sgt. Samuel Jalomo, Jan. 8, 2021, at the 52nd Security Forces Squadron on Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany. Jackson was announced as this years Outstanding Security Forces Company Grade Officer. (U.S. Air Force photo by 1st Lt. Megan Morrissey)
About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD