88th Security Forces Squadron NCO STEPs up in Rank

1/10/2014 – WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio — An 88 Security Forces Squadron NCO had reason to be a bit merrier this past Christmas after he was instantly promoted to master sergeant under the Stripes for Exceptional Performers (STEP) program.

Jason Grant, the assistant NCO in charge of standards and evaluation, received the news and his stripes from Gen. Janet Wolfenbarger, commander of Air Force Materiel Command, during a brief ceremony Dec. 20.

According to Grant, Wolfenbarger visited security forces to present commander’s coins to colleagues who were part of a security detail for distinguished visitors during the Doolittle Raiders final toast, held at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in November 2013.

“After presenting the coins, the general dismissed everyone but told me to stay and then stated that I was out of uniform,” Grant said. “A lot goes through your mind when a general tells you you’re out of uniform but then she presented the stripes. From that point, I’m not entirely sure what was said or happened as it was totally unexpected and somewhat overwhelming.”

A Sumter, S.C., native, Grant has spent his entire 19-year career in security forces. For the past seven years, Grant has served at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He and his wife have four children and his wife actually was on hand to witness Grant’s promotion.

“She was in the building as we had plans to go to lunch together,” Grant said. “She probably remembers more from that morning than I do. I’m thankful she was there and we could share such a special moment together.”

Grant said he is ready to accept the additional responsibilities that accompany becoming a senior NCO.

“I am blessed to have great leadership here,” Grant said. “I’ve tried to carry myself in a manner representative of a senior NCO for several years and will continue to do so. I never stop trying to achieve, so the sky’s the limit.”

by John Scaggs
88 Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Master Sgt. Jason Grant (center),the assistant NCO in charge of standards and evaluation with 88 Security Forces Squadron, was recently promoted under the Strips for Exceptional Performers program. Working on the project with Grant are Staff Sgt. Detoni McWilliams, Staff Sgt. April Marshall, Officer William Yeomans and Staff Sgt. Vanessa Roberts. (Photo by Tara Dixon Engel)

About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD