MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. — The sun will not be up for hours but the 908th Security Forces Squadron Combat Arms instructors are already at Maxwell’s Firing Range, preparing for their class’ arrival Nov. 2, 2019, for the 908th SFS’ annual qualifying test.
Everything is pre-set the night before so in the morning they can, “Hit the ground running,” said Master Sgt. Henry Relf, 908th SFS CA instructor.
Even though the students have a full day of training and qualifying, the instructors’ days are even longer, said Tech Sgt. James Kuehne, 908th SFS CA instructor.
The instructors prove their dedication both in front of and behind the scenes by working long after everyone else has come and gone for the day.
“[We] go out at [3 a.m.] or [4 a.m.] and we’re out there until [5 p.m.] or [6 p.m.],” said Relf.
Regardless of there being a lot of work to do, it is all accomplished by the seven-person team.