908th Security Forces Squadron Combat Arms firearms instruction (preview)

Security Forces

MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. — The sun will not be up for hours but the 908th Security Forces Squadron Combat Arms instructors are already at Maxwell’s Firing Range, preparing for their class’ arrival Nov. 2, 2019, for the 908th SFS’ annual qualifying test.

During the November Unit Training Assembly, all 908th SFS had to conduct their annual qualifications course and the junior enlisted had to receive additional training.

Everything is pre-set the night before so in the morning they can, “Hit the ground running,” said Master Sgt. Henry Relf, 908th SFS CA instructor.

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About Defender Magazine 758 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD