A Defender’s 28 Year Higher Education Journey

Security Forces

The year was 1990, although I was getting a late start as a 22-year-old, I finally started my higher education journey at Modesto Junior College in Modesto, CA.  Within a year, America would find itself in a military conflict with the nation of Iraq, after its invasion of the nation of Kuwait.  Having always felt obligated to serve my country on behalf of my family which had benefitted from the sacrifices of our nations forefathers; it wasn’t long before I would be answering the call to serve in the Armed Forces with the United States Air Force (USAF).

In 1991 my college education journey took its first break as I shipped off to USAF Basic Military Training (BMT) in San Antonio, TX.  After completing all required BMT, Security Police, and Air Base Ground Defense training in January of 1992, I was stationed at Bolling Air Force Base (AFB) in Washington, DC with the USAF Honor Guard.

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While stationed at Bolling AFB, my college education resumed with Central Texas College taking one or two classes at a time until late 1994 when my duty station was changed to Griffiss AFB in Rome, NY with the 416th Security Police Squadron. Griffiss AFB was slated to be closed within a year requiring another change of duty station and therefore my college education would have to wait a little bit longer.

In December of 1994 my duty station was changed to Andrews AFB in Camp Springs, MD with the 89thSecurity Police / Security Forces Squadron.  Within a few months I was selected to be an Aircraft Security Non-Commissioned Officer (ASNCO) traveling the world providing Anti-Terrorism / Anti-Hijacking security onboard the Presidential Air Fleet transporting United States dignitaries such as the U.S. President, Vice-President, Cabinet officials, and members of congress. My extensive travel schedule made it challenging to continue my college education and therefore I made very little progress.

In April of 1998 I suffered an injury while on an overseas deployment and spent an approximate year on medical profile and Duties Not to Include Flying (DNIF) status.  It was a very physically and emotionally painful year, and to this day, I cannot recall a single day since 1998 that I have not been in physical pain.  In January of 1999 I honorably discharged from the Air Force with a young family and started planning what next.  Determined to complete my college education, I eventually found myself taking classes at Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC).

In December of 2013 I graduated from NVCC with an Associates of Science (Cum Luade Honors) and was admitted to the School of Professional and Continuing Studies with the University of Virginia (UVA) in 2014.  With a growing family, I soon found myself with three sons in college at George Mason University (GMU) and I had not completed my bachelor’s degree goal.  I had always emphasized to my children the importance of a higher education and now I was determined to lead by example and beat them in obtain my bachelor’s degree.

In August of 2018 I finally completed the UVA Capstone project, officially meeting graduation requirements, fulfilling a lifelong dream, graduating from the University of Virginia with High Distinction honors, and in May of 2019, I was honored and humbled to walk the lawn at UVA during the graduation ceremony and have my children watch me graduate.

In May of 2020, one of my sons at GMU will graduate, with the other two shortly, therefore.  In August of 2020, as a freshly graduated high school student, my daughter is hoping to be admitted to UVA as a Legacy Student and carry on a new family tradition.


By, Jose J. Sanchez

A former U.S. Air Force Security Forces “Defender”

Service-Disabled Veteran, Founder / Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez on the lawn at the University of Virginia in front of the Rotunda

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez with wife Clarissa, son Jose, and daughter Hannah in the book store at the the University of Virginia.

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez and his wife Clarissa on the lawn at the University of Virginia in front of the Rotunda.

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez with Son Jose and daughter Hannah on the lawn at the University of Virginia in front of the Rotunda.

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez with University of Virginia Alumni Association President Jenifer Andrasko. The UVA Alumni Association issued Veterans the Red, White, and Blue rope to worn during the graduation ceremony Final Exercise.

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez with University of Virginia Professor Robert Guttman.

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez was an aircrew member providing Anti-terrorism / Anti-High Jacking Security on board the U.S. Air Force Presidential Air Fleet. This is Vice President Al Gore onboard Air Force Two.  Jose is on the right and Master Sergeant John Piva is on the left.

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez was an aircrew member providing Anti-terrorism / Anti-High Jacking Security on board the U.S. Air Force Presidential Air Fleet. This is a Special Air Mission (SAM) with Secretary of State Warren Christopher.  Jose is the third person from the left.

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez was an aircrew member providing Anti-terrorism / Anti-High Jacking Security on board the U.S. Air Force Presidential Air Fleet. This is a Special Air Mission (SAM) with Secretary of Defense William Cohen.  Jose is 2nd from the left.

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez was a member of the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard.  This is a full honors funeral at Arlington National Cemetery. Jose is the second from the right carrying the U.S. Air Force flag.

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez was a member of the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard.  This is a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Jose is the person on the end saluting with the rifle.

Security Forces

Jose J. Sanchez was a member of the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard.  This picture was taken onboard the Honor Guard bus while traveling to an out of state ceremony.

Jose’s son Luke will be graduating from George Mason University within a year.

Jose’s sons Luke and Kyle will be graduating from George Mason University within a year.

University of Virginia (UVA) and Northern Virginia Community College degrees and UVA graduation cap on display in Jose’s office.

University of Virginia graduation cap on display in Jose’s office.

Jose J. Sanchez’s University of Virginia graduation cap was featured in the Virginia Magazine.

Jose J. Sanchez’s University of Virginia graduation cap was featured in the Virginia Magazine.

About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD