Inspired by First Female Defender at Scott Air Force Base

Security Forces

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill — There are certain crossroads in life where one decision creates a legacy and for Sgt. Pat Hollingsworth, her decision 49 years ago would impact generations to come.

That decision came in the form of a new career path in the Air Force, who were opening new career fields to women. Feeling a sense of ambition strong enough it was practically in her veins, Hollingsworth volunteered for Security Police.

Prior to joining the Air Force, Hollingsworth was an administrative specialist and trying to get into medical school. One of seven women in her career field, she became the first female Defender at Scott Air Force Base in 1972.

Today, there are 45 female Defenders at Scott AFB. That sense of ambition has fueled and lit the torch for others like Airman 1st Class Maria Nunez, to carry forward.

“She’s inspiring for having the heart and the passion to join security forces,” said Nunez. “She had a mindset that she was going to do it.”

Nunez, an entry controller from the 375th Security Forces Squadron, says she shares some of that mentality. Throughout her life, Nunez recalls being counted out because of her height or perceived ability and how much stronger persevering through those struggles made her.

“It built my character, it made me a more dedicated person to prove that I can,” said Nunez. “You shouldn’t stop yourself from doing anything if someone says “we normally don’t have someone like you do this.”

That grit and determination is something they both share, as well as a desire to pay it forward to other people on base. Both knowing the importance of taking the time to slow down and lend a helping hand to others. To those looking to follow in her footsteps, Hollingsworth offered these words of advice.

“Women should become police officers only if they have enough patience to work with people,” said Hollingsworth.

(*This article includes 3 pictures)

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About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD