Joint Military and Civilian Law Enforcement Training in San Antonio, Texas

02/25/15 – JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas —Members of the 902nd and 802nd Security Forces Squadrons took part in a joint training exercise with local police departments Feb. 19, 2015 at the Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon Fire Training Ground to learn bus assault and hostage rescue techniques.

The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts.The aim of the exercise was to help foster interdepartmental familiarization and train to save lives.

“We will be able to integrate and work together because we have been training together,” Tech Sgt. William Graham, 902nd SFS alpha flight chief, said. “Everything boils down to your training. There is a saying, ‘You don’t rise to the occasion, you fall back on your training.’ That’s what we are doing here today; working so we have our training to fall back on.”


Staff Sgt. Paul Olmos III, 802nd Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler, leads members from the 902nd and 802nd SFS with members of local police departments during a bus assault and hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015 at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer/Released)(Photo by Airman st Class Stormy ArcherReleased)

The type of incident security forces and police officers were training for is called a special threat situation that requires skills and training the average patrolman is not equipped to handle.

“At any time a situation like this could occur and we would have to activate this type of team and they would have to have the knowledge on how to handle this type of situation,” Tech. Sgt. Ruben Morales, 902nd SFS patrolman, said. “This type of training keeps everyone on the same page, and by making sure everyone has the same training, we can all come together with the same knowledge that can be applied to any situation.”

By Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer
Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Public Affairs

Members of the 902nd and 802nd Security Forces Squadrons train with members of local police departments during a bus assault and hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015, at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer/Released) (Photo by Airman st Class Stormy ArcherReleased)

Members of the 902nd and 802nd Security Forces Squadrons train with members of local police departments during a bus assault and hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015, at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer/Released) (Photo by Airman st Class Stormy ArcherReleased)

Members from the 902nd and 802nd Security forces Squadrons train with members of local police departments during a bus assault and hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015, at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer/Released) (Photo by Airman st Class Stormy Archer Released)

Staff Sgt. Sharif Delarge, 802nd Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler, and Officer Chris Torres, Alamo Heights Police Department patrolman, lead a team during a hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015 at the Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon Fire Training Ground. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer) (Photo by Airman st Class Stormy Archer)

Members of the 902nd and 802nd Security Forces Squadrons train with members of local police departments during a bus assault and hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015, at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer/Released) (Photo by Airman st Class Stormy Archer Released)

Members from the 902nd and 802nd Security forces Squadrons and police officers from local police departments board a city bus during a hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015 at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer/Released) (Photo by Airman st Class Stormy Archer Released)

Members of the 902nd and 802nd Security Forces Squadrons train with members of local police departments during a bus assault and hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015, at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer/Released) (Photo by Airman st Class Stormy Archer Released)

Officer John Salas, Judson Independent School District Police Department patrolman, and Officer Rich Radziski, Converse Police Department patrolman, board a city bus during a hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015 at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon Fire Training Ground. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer/Released) (Photo by Airman st Class Stormy Archer Released)

Tech. Sgt. Ruben Morales, 902nd Security Forces Squadron patrolman, demonstrates how to break a bus window during a bus assault and hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015, at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer/Released) (Photo by Airman st Class Stormy ArcherReleased)

Officer Sergio Pena, City of Windcrest Police Department patrolman, leads a boarding party onto a city bus during a bus assault and hostage rescue exercise Feb. 19, 2015, at the Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Camp Talon. The local agencies involved in the exercise were from the cities of Live, Oak Universal City and Converse and the Judson Independent School District Police Departments. Security Forces and local police departments trained together to prepare for emergencies that require both military and civilian response efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Stormy Archer/Released) (Photo by Airman st Class Stormy Archer Released)

About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD