Ranger Assessment Course Cultivates Leadership Skills

Airmen who pass the Ranger Assessment Course gain more than a ticket into Ranger School – they learn to lead.

USAF Security Forces

Tech. Sgt. Keegan Donnelly, Ranger Assessment Course lead cadre, and RAC students recite the Ranger Creed during the graduation ceremony near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 31, 2019. The purpose of the three-week course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. Of the 23 Airmen who began the Ranger Assessment Course, three dropped for personal motivational reasons and one dropped for medical reasons, leaving 19 standing at the end. Out of the 19, 11 Airmen met all the standards needed for a recommendation to go forward to Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)


A small formation of Airmen gather around a flagpole, next to it is a large rock with the words, “Not for the weak or fainthearted” painted in bright yellow, box letters. An authoritative voice can be heard, “Varela, first stanza. Fundis, second stanza. Dickerson, third stanza. Gardner, fourth stanza. Pace, fifth stanza. Good, sixth stanza.” As six Airmen are chosen, they make their way to the front of the formation and stand face-to-face with their peers – three Airmen on either side of a pedestal.

The first Airman steps back and walks to the platform. He steps up, snaps to attention, takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and with a booming, prideful voice yells, “FIRST STANZA OF THE RANGER CREED REPEAT AFTER ME!”

Silence falls on the entire camp. Varela continues, “RECOGNIZING THAT I VOLUNTEERED AS A RANGER …” the formation repeats the first seven words to the Ranger Creed.

“…fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of the Rangers.”

Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia.

The Airmen who pass the Ranger Assessment Course gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead.

“The benefits of having a Ranger-qualified Airman is really easy to understand,” said Air Force Lt. Col. Walter Sorensen, Air Force Security Forces Center chief of training. “If we’re talking about being able to put Airmen in a location where they are expected to operate in an isolated environment with minimal to no guidance, you’re looking for an opportunity for someone who is not going to look for a reason to say, ‘this is just an impossible task.’ [Ranger qualified Airmen] are going to find a way to get it done … they will not give up on you.”

As the first Airman finishes his assigned stanza, he steps off the podium and returns to his spot. The Airman standing next to Varela then steps back and takes his position. “SECOND STANZA OF THE RANGER CREED REPEAT AFTER ME,” thunders Fundis. The rest of the class prepares to deliver the second stanza flawlessly.

“Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite Soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than any other Soldier.”

For this iteration of the Ranger Assessment Course, the Air Force collaborated with the U.S. Army 25th Infantry Division, Small Unit Ranger Tactics Program – their version of a pre-Ranger course – to gain a better understanding for the way the Army prepares their candidates for Ranger School.

The Small Unit Ranger Tactics Program takes a build-up approach, which enables those going through the course to get more training and a better understanding of what they will be evaluated on later.

“We found over the years we needed to invest more time into training the Airmen on the front end before we evaluate them,” said Chief Master Sgt. James Wilfong, 820th Base Defense Group superintendent from Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. “The Army has given us upward of 20 to 30 slots a year, so we need to take a different approach on how we test and evaluate our Airmen. That’s why we’re here because they take a very different approach where they will spend a lot of time training them and build up their knowledge.”

The 25th ID Small Unit Ranger Tactics Program has a high success rate in preparing students to successfully complete the Ranger Assessment Phase, along with the Darby Phase of Ranger School, which is the patrolling phase of the course.

“Every day is going to be a challenge,” said Army Staff Sgt. Silverio T. Perez, Jr. 25th ID Small Unit Ranger Tactics Program senior instructor. “The difference between you and the person giving up is, are you willing to take the next step forward? Everyone is going to hit their breaking point, but what’s going to make the difference is that next step forward.”

During the Ranger Assessment Phase [RAP] day one, students are required to complete 49 push-ups, 59 sit-ups, a five-mile run in 40 minutes, and six chin-ups, then they move on to the Combat Water Survival Assessment. After the RAP, – which lasts four days – generally, less than half the class will make it to the Darby Phase.

Stressing them out physically and mentally challenges the students and their ability to lead.

“Ranger School is a leadership course, plain and simple,” Wilfong said. “What it gives you is a very resilient Airman, it gives you someone who can problem solve, and who doesn’t get stressed out very easily. They have been tested at their weakest and they have overcome.”

The Hawaiian sun continues to beat down on the Airmen as they make their way through the Ranger Creed, beads of sweat begin forming on their foreheads. The Dickerson takes his position, rolls his shoulders back, inhales and roars, “THIRD STANZA OF THE RANGER CREED REPEAT AFTER ME!”

“Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight, and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, 100 percent and then some.”

Throughout the Ranger Assessment Course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation.

“You learn a lot about yourself when you are put to the test, mentally and physically,” said Tech. Sgt. Christian Varela, Ranger Assessment Course student. “I think Ranger School, and just RAC in itself, gives you the opportunity to be in positions to learn to lead. It’s obviously a leadership course, but it teaches you to be a good follower, as well.”

Dripping sweat, every single Airman stands at attention. A bead rolls down the temple of Gardner as he commands the attention of those around him, “FOURTH STANZA OF THE RANGER CREED REPEAT AFTER ME!” Once again, the class repeats line-by-line the fourth stanza with such power and intensity it echoes in the distance.

“Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained Soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.”

Of the 23 Airmen who began the Ranger Assessment Course, three dropped out for personal motivational reasons and one dropped for medical reasons, leaving 19 standing at the end. Out of the 19, 11 Airmen met all the standards needed for a recommendation to go to Ranger School.

With two more stanzas to go, Pace stands before his peers with confidence. “FIFTH STANZA OF THE RANGER CREED REPEAT AFTER ME!” he booms.

“Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.”

Proving this course is truly a leadership course and not just for any one specific job in the Air Force, those who got a pass into Ranger School include Airmen from tactical air control party, security forces, remotely piloted aircraft pilot, air liaison officer, intel, and independent duty medical technician specialty codes.

“Layered throughout the National Defense Strategy, it [outlined] joint warriors, joint fighters, joint training and joint environments,” Wilfong said. “The future of warfare and near-peer threats would tell us we need more resilient, more joint-minded Airmen to get the job done in a contested or non-contested environment whether it’s permissive or non-permissive, we need more joint-minded Airmen.”

As the sun continues to beat down on the Airmen standing in formation, leaving them drenched in sweat. As the fifth Airman returns to his spot, the sixth steps back and takes his place on the pedestal, prepared to deliver his portion of the Ranger Creed with precision. Airman Good bows his head, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before letting it out. He lifts his head, opens his eyes, snaps to attention, and with all his might thunders, “SIXTH STANZA OF THE RANGER CREED REPEAT AFTER ME!”

Once again the sounds echo off in the distance as each Airman stands tall, using their entire bodies to finish the creed, giving it their all – just like the past three weeks of training, they left nothing behind.

“Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. Rangers lead the way!”

By Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux, Pacific Air Forces Public Affairs / Published July 10, 2019

USAF Security Forces

Staff Sgts. Jose Obregon and Joseph Pace, Ranger Assessment Course students, fire on opposing forces during a simulated react to contact near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 23, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course May 12-31, 2019. The Airmen who pass the Ranger Assessment Course gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Ranger Assessment Course students and cadre pose for a group photo at the end of the 19-day course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 29, 2019. The purpose of the three-week course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. Of the 23 Airmen who began the Ranger Assessment Course, three dropped for personal motivational reasons and one dropped for medical reasons, leaving 19 standing at the end. Out of the 19, 11 Airmen met all the standards needed for a recommendation to go forward to Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

1st Lt. Jeffrey Poekhan, Ranger Assessment Course student, places his arms in ice water during a 12-mile ruck march near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 29, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. Of the 23 Airmen who began the Ranger Assessment Course, three dropped for personal motivational reasons and one dropped for medical reasons, leaving 19 standing at the end. Out of the 19, 11 Airmen met all the standards needed for a recommendation to go forward to Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Ranger Assessment Course students are instructed on the prime locations for an ambush during training near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 23, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course May 12-31, 2019. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

2nd Lt. Sam Good, Ranger Assessment Course student, simulates opposing forces during react to contact drill near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 23, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course May 12-31, 2019. Throughout the course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Ranger Assessment Course students ruck march along the road during training near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 23, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course May 12-31, 2019. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

A Ranger sign hangs up inside at a training camp near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 13, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, May 12-31, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

1st Lt. Reece Hudgeons, Ranger Assessment Course student, instructs his squad to get into position during a react to contact with opposing forces near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 23, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course May 12-31, 2019. Throughout the course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Ranger Assessment Course students learn the steps to un-jamming a weapon during training near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. The Airmen who pass the RAC gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. Throughout the course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Tech. Sgt. Justin Stinson, Ranger Assessment Course student, loads his weapon and practices un-jamming it during the RAC near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. The Airmen who pass the Ranger Assessment Course gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. Throughout the course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Staff Sgt. Jose Obregon, Ranger Assessment Course student, applies face camouflage before going into the field near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 23, 2019. The Airmen who pass the Ranger Assessment Course gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Ranger Assessment Course students prepare to ride back to camp after going through the obstacle course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, May 12-31, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Ranger Assessment Course students low-crawl during the obstacle course for a Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. Throughout the 19-day course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Tech. Sgt. Alexander Morley, Ranger Assessment Course student, low-crawls during the obstacle course for a Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. The Airmen who pass the RAC gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Airmen go through an obstacle course during a Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. The Airmen who pass the RAC gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. Throughout the course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

2nd Lt. Sam Good, Ranger Assessment Course student, assesses the next hurdle during the obstacle course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course May 12-31, 2019. For this iteration, the Air Force collaborated with the Army’s 25th Infantry Division, Small Unit Ranger Tactics Program – their version of a pre-Ranger course – in order to gain a better understanding for the way the Army prepares their candidates for Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

A Ranger Assessment Course student climbs down a rope ladder during the obstacle course phase of RAC near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. The Airmen who pass the RAC gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

1st Lt. Austin Drake, Ranger Assessment Course student, prepares to jump to the next rung on an obstacle course during training near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. Of the 23 Airmen who began the Ranger Assessment Course, three dropped for personal motivational reasons and one dropped for medical reasons, leaving 19 standing at the end. Out of the 19, 11 Airmen met all the standards needed for a recommendation to go forward to Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Airmen speed past the finish line after running two miles for a Ranger Assessment Course through the hills of a training camp near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. Throughout the 19-day course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Tech. Sgt. Christian Varela, Ranger Assessment Course student, recites the third stanza of the Ranger Creed before they begin an obstacle course at a training camp near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, May 12-31, 2019. The Airmen who pass the RAC gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Tech. Sgt. Alexander Morley, Ranger Assessment Course student, prepares to make his was across an obstacle course during that portion of the RAC near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, May 12-31, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Airmen recite the Ranger Creed during their time going through the Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 18, 2019. The Airmen who pass the RAC gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. Throughout the course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Friends, family members and co-workers watch as the newest students graduate from the Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 31, 2019. Throughout the 19-day course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Tech. Sgt. Keegan Donnelly, Ranger Assessment Course lead cadre, and RAC students recite the Ranger Creed during the graduation ceremony near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 31, 2019. The purpose of the three-week course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. Of the 23 Airmen who began the Ranger Assessment Course, three dropped for personal motivational reasons and one dropped for medical reasons, leaving 19 standing at the end. Out of the 19, 11 Airmen met all the standards needed for a recommendation to go forward to Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

1st Lt. Benjamin Gardner, Ranger Assessment Course student, focuses on react to contact techniques during the RAC near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 18, 2019. The Airmen who pass the RAC gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. Throughout the course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Ranger Assessment Course students have their feet looked at by RAC cadre and medical personnel after a day in the field near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 23, 2019. The Airmen who pass the Ranger Assessment Course gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. Throughout the course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Ranger Assessment Course students and cadre perform an after action on a simulated ambush near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 23, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course May 12-31, 2019. Throughout the course, Airmen were tested on their ability to perform land navigation, ambush, react to contact and squad attacks. Along with those assessments, the students went on runs and marches of different distances – all leading up to a 12-mile ruck march two days before graduation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Senior Airman Kimball Butler, Ranger Assessment Course student, dons his night vision gear and prepares for a simulated ambush during training near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 23, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course May 12-31, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Airmen begin a two-mile run for a Ranger Assessment Course through the hills of a training camp near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 20, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. Of the 23 Airmen who began the Ranger Assessment Course, three dropped for personal motivational reasons and one dropped for medical reasons, leaving 19 standing at the end. Out of the 19, 11 Airmen met all the standards needed for a recommendation to go forward to Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Tech. Sgt. Keegan Donnelly, Ranger Assessment Course lead cadre, talks to Airmen about land navigation during the Ranger Assessment Course, near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 13, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week RAC near Schofield Barracks, May 12-31, 2019. For this iteration, the Air Force collaborated with the Army’s 25th Infantry Division, Small Unit Ranger Tactics Program – their version of a pre-Ranger course – in order to gain a better understanding for the way the Army prepares their candidates for Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

1st Lt. Austin Hoover, Tech. Sgt. Alexander Morley, and Staff Sgt. Jose Obregon, Ranger Assessment Course students, conduct land navigation during as one of their first tasks during the Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 13, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. The Airmen who pass the RAC gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Tech. Sgt. Gabriell Vieira, Ranger Assessment Course student, learns about land navigation during training near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 13, 2019. Twenty-three Airmen from across the Air Force recently converged on a training camp for a three-week Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, May 12-31, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

USAF Security Forces

Airmen’s rucks and uniform items sit outside their barracks during a three-week Ranger Assessment Course near Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, May 13, 2019. The purpose of the 19-day course is to prepare, assess and evaluate Air Force candidates for Army Ranger School. The Airmen who pass the RAC gain more than a ticket into Ranger School and knowledge on Army tactics – they learn to lead. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Haux)

About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD