Ready Eager And Prepared Every Recall (REAPER) book


War with North Korea and the U.S. is inevitable but, the question of when still remains to be answered. But, there are those who don’t believe it, including Captain Beckman, the unqualified, disillusioned, crippled to high for crutches, Commander of Rebel Station, a communications site established on a hill top 50 miles south of the DMZ. A new Sergeant, Anderson, arrives from stateside and immediately has his hands full trying to convince the inexperienced Captain that his unbelief will lead to the death of everyone on that hill, but, to no avail.

The men of the “Reapers,” will be faced with a life and death struggle with life being the choice. But, will they survive? Will the defiant Anderson be able to prepare his men in time, or will they become the next group of members to enter the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier.

To read more of this book Ready Eager And Prepared Every Recal (REAPER) by Mike Fulbright, click here…to purchase from Lulu

Mike Fulbright is a retired U.S. Air Force veteran who enlisted in 1974.  His first duty station was Griffiss AFB, Rome N.Y.  He went from there to Sembach AB, Germany, from there to Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota.  Mike’s next assignment was Kunsan AB, this is where the Name Reaper originated.  From Kunsan he went to Langley AFB, Virginia. On August 7th he deployed with the 1st SPS and the 1st TFW to Central Saudi Arabia in support of combat operations for Desert Shield/Storm.  Mike retired in 1994 and now live in Warner Robins, GA. and work as a Department of the AF Police.

About Defender Magazine 760 Articles
Jose J. Sanchez, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Defender Magazine, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Presidential Honor Guard, Bolling AFB, Washington DC, the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss AFB, NY, and the 89th Security Forces Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD