The Defender Magazine online Security Forces Memorial is an attempt to memorialize U.S. Air Force Air Police, Security Police, and Security Forces “Defenders” killed in the line of duty in war and peace.
This memorial will be divided into two categories consisting of those killed in action (KIA) while in combat or a military conflict, and those killed performing law enforcement and security duties not combat related.

2011 Killed in the Line of Duty:
~ 03/02/2011 – Nicholas, Alden Jerome (SRA) – Frankfurt, Germany en route to Afghanistan
2009 Killed in the Line of Duty:
~ 01/17/2009 – McNight, Omar J. (SRA) – “non-hostile” incident in Iraq
2006 Killed in the Line of Duty:
~ 09/14/2006 – Watts, Michael J. (SRA) – near Malmstrom Air Force Base, MT
~ 03/13/2006 – Frasier, Erin (A1C) – vehicle accident on Edwards, AFB, CA