02/12/2016 – YOUNGSTOWN AIR RESERVE STATION, Ohio — Citizen Airmen assigned to the 910th Security Forces Squadron (SFS) march back to their building after performing the retreat ceremony at installation headquarters here Feb.6, 2016. The retreat ceremony serves a twofold purpose.
It signals the end of the official duty day and serves as a ceremony paying respect to the U.S. flag. The march is led by Master Sgt. Joel Cummins, 910th SFS First Sergeant. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Rick Lisum)
By Tech. Sgt. Rick Lisum,
910th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Published February 12, 2016
Citizen Airmen assigned to the 910th Security Forces Squadron (SFS) march back to their building after performing the retreat ceremony at installation headquarters here Feb.6, 2016. The retreat ceremony serves a twofold purpose. It signals the end of the official duty day and serves as a ceremony paying respect to the U.S. flag. The march is led by Master Sgt. Joel Cummins, 910th SFS First Sergeant. (U.S. Air Force photo/ Tech. Sgt. Rick Lisum)